Thank you for your interest in our products. The product catalogs are divided into three categories: application, illustrative, and interchange cross-over information.
To access each section please select from the pull-down list below. The illustrative and interchange cross-over infromation catalogs will require a
username and password, which will be supplied by CSD. Div of Canadian Starter Drives. To request a username and password, please complete our
customer application. The application catalogs however do not require a username or password.
Quick Catalog Reference
To be able to read or print the product catalogs, you will be required to download the free Acrobat® Reader by Adobe®.
Acrobat® Reader is available in different languages and for multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Once you have opened the product catalog requested, it can be browsed one page at a time by clicking the arrows located at the bottom tool bar of Acrobat® Reader (See Example Below)
To search for a specific Make / Model / Part Number(#), use the SEARCH tool located at the top tool bar of Acrobat® Reader (See Example Below)